We’re Tom and Linda Mileham and we are so very happy you have decided to give us an opportunity to help your situation!
We started our business of helping people by purchasing their homes in 2013. In that time we’ve done hundreds of transactions and met some very special people along the way. We view our job as needing to get to know the people who reach out to us. We want to understand their specific situation, and then provide a truly winning situation for them. In most cases, our clients are looking for more than just the highest offer on their home.
In one instance, the homeowner had moved in to an assisted living facility and needed to have a few things moved from his home to the facility. No Problem!! We picked it up and delivered it to him. Another time the Executor of his father’s estate wasn’t sure what he was going to do with the car that was left behind. No Problem!! We bought the car too!! So whatever it is that you might be needing help with we are very glad to be able to provide a solution.
Linda is a true Des Moines native. She grew up watching her dad run a demolition business here in Des Moines. She attended DMACC and Drake University and spent many years as a Job Coach for Goodwill of Central Iowa. Tom is from Emmetsburg in northwest Iowa. He attended the University of Northern Iowa. After spending many years managing restaurants his last “real job” was as lead sales person for a national internet job board for the skilled trades. We’ve made our home here in Des Moines for the past 25+ years. We are ardent Des Moines Buccaneers fans. Let’s Go Bucs!! Our favorite tradition is the annual teddy bear toss. (Linda usually hits the team captain in the head with our one of our bears.)